User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "Optimizing org.jboss.aop.pointcut.Util":

Author  : Flavia Rainone
Profile :

During debugging of the, I discovered 
that, for every transformation, the same classes were being retrieved from the 
classpool again and again during pointcut matching, all invocations being 
indirect invocations originated in org.jboss.aop.pointcut.Util.
I have locally added a very simple cache (that definetly will need improvement 
if it proves to have a positive impact) to Util class. This cache basically 
stores the result of previous queries, which not only skips calls to the 
ClassPool, but also avoids recalculation of the entire query result.
As soon as I'm able to run the tests without failures, I'll measure the 
performance gain we may have with this cache, if any. All my findings will be 
posted here.


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