Here is what I finally did to make it work.

Edited the xdoclet-build.xml generated by JBossEclipseIDE.
Added multiple antcall tasks inside "_xdoclet_generation_" target,  to call 
runEjbDoclet target with different params.
(runEjbDoclet was originally called Nxxxxx in the auto-generated xml, where x 
is a digit)

   <param name="mdb_display_name"value="MyMDBName"/>

Used destDir="${ejb_gen_dest}" in ejbdoclet task called by runEjbDoclet.

Used the following xdoclet entries in the Bean class.
 * @ejb.bean name="${mdb_name}"  
 *           display-name="${mdb_display_name}"
 *           description="${mdb_description}"
 *           destination-type="${jms_dest_type}"
 *           acknowledge-mode="Auto-acknowledge"
 *           transaction-type="Container"
 * @ejb:env-entry name="SSBToUse" type="java.lang.String"   
 *                 value="${SSB1_jndi_name}"
 * @jboss.destination-jndi-name name = "${jms_dest_name}"

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