Sudeep Pillai [] created the 

"JBoss Messaging cluster : Some messages takes 2 to 6 seconds to deliver"

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We use JBoss EAP version 5.1.1 for JBoss messaging. JBoss 2 node cluster runs 
on linux servers and message sending server runs on a windows 2003 server and 
messaging consumers run on a separate windows 2003 server. Message consumers 
are not overloaded, yet if there are a constant flow of incoming messages, some 
messages are delivered after a huge delay and rest of the messages are received 
in few milli seconds.

I have been working with Redhat support with a sample application to reproduce 
the scenario, but finally it is being doubted as the network configuration on 
windows as the reason for this issue. Would like to get some thoughts from 
experts in this forum and also see if anyone else faced this issue.


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