I'm having difficult with an application deployed in a JBoss 5.0.1 cluster 
using JBoss messaging. After a period of time, we run out of heap and 
everything falls over. Using Eclipse Memory Analyzer, I've tracked the leak 
down to a surfeit of JBossObjectMessage objects, which appear to still be 
attached to the Topics they were posted to. Looking in the JMX console, these 
topics have large numbers of messages, seemingly all the messages ever posted. 

The application uses NON_PERSISTENT messages and non-durable subscriptions, so 
I would have expected these messages to disappear from the topics on delivery.

The second symptom I've noticed is that there is a much larger number of 
subscriptions on each topic than I would expect. This seems to increase when 
one of the clients logs a 
JBoss Messaging server failure detected - waiting for failover to complete 
message. This failover occurs randomly, even though both nodes in the cluster 
are up, and never to all subscriptions on a given client. Further, it seems 
that once this failover has occurred, any further subscriptions to that topic 
are not cleaned up on client exit. 

The JBM configuration we are using is that shipped with JBoss, but with MSSQL 
for persistence. 

Sorry for the long post. Any thoughts or ideas are much appreciated!


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