"bob.mcwhirter" wrote : 
  | Has anyone inspected the actual dependencies on these jars to determine if 
we could remove or lessen them?
I doubt it.
I think the easiest way to determine this would be to run Tattletale.

The common-core usage I can think off the top of my head:
* VFSCache mostly relies on the existing common cache
* Legacy usage of JarUtils

"bob.mcwhirter" wrote : 
  | Or, all else failing, would it be possible for VFS to ship a 
jboss-vfs-with-deps.jar which includes the other bits all together in a single 
You're free to add any assembly to the project.
(the stable version is atm Branch_2_1)

e.g. use Tattletale to determine what you need from common-core
and merge only those classes into single jboss-vfs-all.jar.
If there is some mechanism in place to make this consistent
(e.g. I need some new class from common-core or other ext lib),
I'll make sure the rules are followed and your -all.jar is not broken.

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