My Specs: JBoss: 4.0.4.GA JPortal: 2.4.0-CR3 MySQL: 5.0.21 JConnector: 5.0.3
I get the following in my server.log: | --- MBeans waiting for other MBeans --- | ObjectName: portal:service=CMS | State: FAILED | Reason: javax.jcr.RepositoryException: failed to load repository properties: f | ailed to persist repository properties: failed to create new file: /meta/ | perties: failed to persist repository properties: failed to create new file: /me | ta/ failed to create new file: /meta/ | I Depend On: | jboss.jca:name=PortalDS,service=DataSourceBinding | portal:service=JAASLoginModule | portal:service=Hibernate,type=CMS | Depends On Me: | portal:commandFactory=CMSObject | | --- MBEANS THAT ARE THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM --- | ObjectName: portal:service=CMS | State: FAILED | Reason: javax.jcr.RepositoryException: failed to load repository properties: f | ailed to persist repository properties: failed to create new file: /meta/ | perties: failed to persist repository properties: failed to create new file: /me | ta/ failed to create new file: /meta/ | I Depend On: | jboss.jca:name=PortalDS,service=DataSourceBinding | portal:service=JAASLoginModule | portal:service=Hibernate,type=CMS | Depends On Me: | portal:commandFactory=CMSObject | I am not sure what is wrong. Does anyone know what I need to do to get jportal to completely come up without any failed services? View the original post : Reply to the post : _______________________________________________ jboss-user mailing list