Hi all,

I am using jboss portal 2.6.1. I built if from source code and deployed on 
jboss Application server 4.0.5. 

I want to assign contextual roles to user. socreated new table called 
contextual_roles. where  i mapped user role to jbp_uid i.

i have created a domain class corresponding to contextual_role table and did 
the mapping accordingly (hibernate.xml and *.hbm.xml). Things are working find 
and am able to access the table using HQL and get the roles. However after i 
execute List result = session.createQuery(hql).list();

Even though am able to print the result on console i get the following error 
after each access to the contextual_roles table.

ERROR [CachedConnectionValve] Application error: PortalServletWithPathMapping 
did not complete its transaction

can any one tell what is wrong ?


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