[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal Users] - Re: convert liferay portlets to jboss portal portlets!

2009-12-02 Thread apemberton
I haven't looked at the details of the Liferay chat portlet, but if it's based on the portlet specifications JSR168 or JSR286, it should work. That said, I doubt it's completely standard; it most likely relies on Liferay proprietary APIs or external data sources, etc. View the original post :

[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal Users] - Re: convert liferay portlets to jboss portal portlets!

2009-12-02 Thread wesleyhales
You can do this with the Smack API in a Seam portlet: http://maniezhilan.blogspot.com/2009/06/seam-chat-gmail-like-chat-example-with.html Once you have it working in a Seam app, just add the portlet bridge jars and a few xml configurations, and wala! you have yourself a chat portlet!