I'd like to something like the following:

  | class Authenticator {
  |   boolean authenticate() {
  |     User user = em.createQuery(...);
  |     ...
  |     Identity.instance().addRole(string);
  |     for(UserRole role:user.getRoles())
  |       for(String permission:role.getPermissions())
  |         Identity.instance().assertObject(new Permission(permission));
  |   }

I need the following interfaces:

1. ability to work with WirkingMemory in authenticate()

2. ability to traverse all the seam components and JPA entities in order to 
build a list of available permissions. The list of permissions is supposed to 
be used in UI on the UserRole page where the admin can configure permissions 
for role. I saw similar to that in different sorts of applications so I 
consider that as reasonable default capability of Seam Security.

3. default Drools rules that produces check against permissions defined as above

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