Hi everyone?
I have a question regarding a how to:
I want to have a dataTable (jsf ri or richfaces) where I have editable tabular 
data from a database table. I want (almost) every column to be editable 
(similar to excel). What is the best (technical) approach to achieve this?
Using framework configurations in components.xml is no good, because the 
EntityQuery is not held in any context, but is thrown away after the request 
ends. Also if I want to page fordward or backwards my changes will be discarded 
and the data will be read from the database again, ignoring my changes.
Currently I have an EJB3 stateful session bean that extends EntityQuery and I 
can instantiate it in components.xml with any Entity class! 
However, I am not sure if there is a better (nicer) way to achieve this.
What is the real Seam-Way to get tabular editable data working?

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