I'm attempting to convert our forms using IceFaces, Seam (2.0), and some core 
JSF elements to use what seems to be the best way to go - <s:decorate>.

I've taken a form that was otherwise working and converted the form to use 
<s:decorate template="/layout/forms/edit.xhtml">.

"edit.xhtml" is your standard usage of <s:decorate> which I have seen again and 
again in Seam docs, forum posts, and blogs.

I can confirm that the form is validating correctly as the validation messages 
(using <s:message>) appear appropriately.  However, my issue is that when there 
are no validation issues - the page simply will not "submit".  I've checked 
pages.xml and the "submit" button; remember, this form worked prior to using 

I am hoping someone here may use an eye ball or two and look at my problem.

Here is a code snippet:

The Form:
<ice:form id="modifyPersonalProfileForm">
  | <s:validateAll>
  | <s:decorate id="designatorDecoreate" template="/layout/forms/edit.xhtml">
  | <ui:define name="label">First Name:</ui:define>
  | <ice:inputText id="firstName"  required="true" value="#{cvUser.firstName}" 
  | </s:decorate>
  | ....
  | <ice:commandLink value="Cancel" 
action="#{userProfileManager.cancelUserProfile}" />

The "edit.xhtml":
  |             <tr>
  |             <td>
  |                     <s:label styleClass="label #{invalid?'errors':''}">
  |                             <ui:insert name="label"/>
  |                             <s:span styleClass="required" 
  |                     </s:label>
  |             </td>
  |             <td>
  |                     <span class="input #{invalid?'errors':''}">
  |                             <!--  <h:graphicImage 
value="/themes/englink-earth-final/img/error.gif" rendered="#{invalid}"/> -->
  |                                             <ui:insert/>
  |                     </span>
  |                     <small class="small #{invalid?'errors':''}">
  |                             <s:message styleClass="error errors"/>
  |                     </small>
  |             </td>
  |             </tr>
  |     </table>

P.S. I tried to post this message on the new forums, but as soon as I 
copied/pasted some actual JSF code, the program crashed and I received a JBoss 
"internal 500" page error.

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