Hi, I've been using JBoss AS (ebj) for a while, now I am trying to investigate 
JSF, so I tried to follow the Seam getting started guide.

Did a fresh install of everything

I am getting the error 
08:42:13,550 ERROR [[Faces Servlet]] Servlet.service() for servlet Faces 
Servlet threw exception
org.jboss.seam.InstantiationException: Could not instantiate Seam component: 

Caused by: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: RegisterAction not bound
        at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.getBinding(NamingServer.java:529)
        at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.getBinding(NamingServer.java:537)
        at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.getObject(NamingServer.java:543)
        at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.lookup(NamingServer.java:267)

Now this is a fresh install AS404 EJB clustered and I think I did everything 
correctly, does anyone have any ideas on why I am getting the about error. I 
can usually figure things out once I can get an example or two working.  But 
I've got to be able to get one working!

thanks in advance


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