
I have created a CRUD actions for a specific entity via Seam-Gen which seems to 
be nice and clean using EntityHome/EntityQuery,

I would like to add to the generated list another column that has a boolean jsf 
tag in order to support multiple row selection,

I thought about adding a map to the EntityQuery seam component such as:

  | Map<MyEntity, Boolean> rowSelection;

and in my facelets code (per row):

  | datatable...
  | <column>
  | <h:selectBooleanCheckbox 
value="#{myEntityList.rowSelection[myVarOfDataTable]}" />
  | </column>

I was wondering if there's a better way to pass the selected rows to an java 
action since this way is a little bit annoying due to the fact that -all- rows 
are passed but only the selected entities are equal to true,
so iteration + if conditions is required, etc...



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