[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Problem with s:convertEntity/ inside h:selectOneMenu

2007-06-07 Thread georges.goebel
Hi, I have tried under jboss 4.0.5GA and JBoss 4.2 with seam 1.2.1GA and also the CVS snapshot from jboss-seam-CVS.20070607 I cannot use the tag s:convertEntity/ inside a h:selectOneMenu. (selectedPaneau is a DataModel) | h:selectOneMenu id=tailles value=#{cart.taille} |

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - problem with s:convertEntity/

2007-06-05 Thread tnfink
Hi, I have a problem with the convertEntity-Tag. Maybe someone can help :-) This is the XHTML-code: | h:selectOneMenu | id=teamSelect | value=#{offerhead1.selectedTeam} | required=true | s:convertEntity / | s:selectItems value=#{itemCache.allTeams} var=team |

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Problem with s:convertEntity

2007-05-05 Thread Seto
When I choose one of the category, nothing happen. But when i choose the no selection label, the form is submitted normally. Anyone could help me? Please, I'm waiting anxiously online now. | | h:form | s:validateAll | h:messages globalOnly=true / |

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - problem with s:convertEntity and h:selectManyListbox

2007-04-04 Thread Vitalik
I have trouble with s:convertEntity/. On my display appear error message: Conversion Error setting value '1 2' for '#{resourceCatalog.resources}'. My env: JBoss 4.0.5 JBoss Seam 1.2.1.GA Sun RI 1.2_04 I have two entity bean: Resource and ResourceCatalog: | @javax.persistence.Entity |