| Parent parent = new Parent();
  | Child child = new Child();
  | Car car = new Car();
  | parent.setCar(car);
  | parent.add(child);
  | parent.persist(parent);

Assuming car and child are entities with no references to parent and Parent is:

  | @Entity
  | public class Parent {
  | @ManyToOne(cascade=PERSIST)
  | private Car car;
  | @OneToMany(cascade=PERSIST)
  | private List<Child> children;
  | ...
  |  // Getters and setters
  | }

If you had bi-directional relationships you might want

  | entityManager.flush();
  | entityManager.refresh(parent);

as well.

Nullifying view objects should work fine (empty fields) (but you need to make 
sure the new version is outjected which requires a reasonable understanding of 
the difference between variables in the component and context variables).

Regarding relationships - this is really a Hibernate/EJB3 JPA issue.  The 
hibernate unit tests are good for understanding the sematics involved.

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