The work around to this problem is the following:
in the .xhtml file, use the following code for the restriction:
where authorizor is a SLSB and the method is isDisplay() that returns boolean.
This works fine and removes the hard-coding that was used in the s:hasRol
No. It's not possible to access static values in EL (it probably should be).
If you add a feature request to Seam JIRA, we might be able to get it into
JBoss EL.
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Well that's what I'm worried about (in case of refactoring, you'd have to make
the reference change to 'admin' or whatever the role is in many xhtml files).
so is there no way around this? There's no solution for this in Seam 2.0?
ahem, Gavin, calling Gavin...
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Not sure if this will work, but you could look into using an el function to
return the string. So, something like:
| "#{s:hasRole(my:admin())}"
Of course, now you're "hard coding" a method name in a string, which is
probably as difficult to refactor as the string itself. Personally, I