I have never used @SerializedConcurrentAccess, but I'm sure it is not the
exactly the same. (practically speaking, it may be roughly equivalent though -
but I haven't looked into it)
You are actually right, seam does serialize access to stateful session beans.
I didn't realize we did that.
Hello, I ran into something like this a while ago (when using Seam 1.0.1) and
ended up using
| import org.jboss.annotation.ejb.SerializedConcurrentAccess;
| @SerializedConcurrentAccess
This fixed my exceptions and I have had no probs so far after adding it.
Is this equivalen
Thanks for the reply!
I looked into the documentation and found the following: "Specifies that a
stateful component has multiple concurrent clients, and so access to the
component must be synchronized. This annotation is not required session scoped
components, which are synchronized by default.
I think Seam normally serializes requests within a conversation, but if you are
accessing a stateful component in the session then you can run into problems
like this. You'll need to add @Synchronized to your session bean to get Seam
to enforce serialized access to a component across different