Seam 1.1.0.GA
Icefaces 1.5.1
JBoss-AS 4.0.5.GA
MySQL 5.0.27

I created a basic Seam application following the instructions in the Seam 
documentation. I have 2 simple tables in a MySQL database for testing. I ran 
the following commands to create the basic application:

seam setup
seam new-project
seam generate-entities

After importing into Eclipse, deploying and starting the AS, the generated 
application works as expected. I can see the list of existing entities, create 
new ones and edit existing ones. 

Now, I want to integrate with Icefaces. So, I followed the documentation from 
the Icefaces site:

When I redeploy, the list and creating a new entity works but selecting an 
existing item for update is not working. When I choose the Select link, it 
brings me to a page where all the fields are either 0 or empty, acting as if 
the id for the entity object does not exist. 

Here's my web.xml:

  | <?xml version="1.0" ?>
  | <web-app version="2.5"
  |          xmlns="";
  |          xmlns:xsi="";
  |          xsi:schemaLocation="";>
  |     <context-param>
  |         <param-name>javax.faces.CONFIG_FILES</param-name>
  |         <param-value>/WEB-INF/navigation.xml</param-value>
  |     </context-param>
  |     <listener>
  |         <listener-class>org.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamListener</listener-class>
  |     </listener>
  |     <listener>
  |     </listener>
  |     <context-param>
  |         <param-name>javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD</param-name>
  |         <param-value>client</param-value>
  |     </context-param>
  |     <context-param>
  |         <param-name>facelets.DEVELOPMENT</param-name>
  |         <param-value>true</param-value>
  |     </context-param>
  |     <context-param>
  |         <param-name>javax.faces.DEFAULT_SUFFIX</param-name>
  |         <param-value>.xhtml</param-value>
  |     </context-param>
  |     <context-param>
  |         <param-name>com.icesoft.faces.actionURLSuffix</param-name>
  |         <param-value>.seam</param-value>
  |     </context-param>
  |     <context-param>
  |         <param-name>com.icesoft.faces.synchronousUpdate</param-name>
  |         <param-value>true</param-value>
  |     </context-param>
  |     <context-param>
  |         <param-name>com.icesoft.faces.doJSFStateManagement</param-name>
  |         <param-value>true</param-value>
  |     </context-param>
  |     <filter>
  |         <filter-name>Seam Exception Filter</filter-name>
  |     </filter>
  |     <filter-mapping>
  |         <filter-name>Seam Exception Filter</filter-name>
  |         <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
  |     </filter-mapping>
  |     <servlet>
  |         <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
  |         <servlet-class>javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet</servlet-class>
  |         <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
  |     </servlet>
  |   <!-- ICEFACES -->
  |   <servlet>
  |     <servlet-name>Blocking Servlet</servlet-name>
  |     <load-on-startup> 1 </load-on-startup>
  |   </servlet>
  |     <servlet>
  |         <servlet-name>Persistent Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
  |         <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
  |     </servlet>
  |   <servlet-mapping>
  |     <servlet-name>Persistent Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
  |     <url-pattern>/xmlhttp/*</url-pattern>
  |   </servlet-mapping>
  |   <servlet-mapping>
  |     <servlet-name>Persistent Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
  |     <url-pattern>/xmlhttp/*</url-pattern>
  |   </servlet-mapping>
  |   <servlet-mapping>
  |     <servlet-name>Persistent Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
  |     <url-pattern>*.iface</url-pattern>
  |   </servlet-mapping>
  | <!-- Blocking Servlet Mapping -->
  |   <servlet-mapping>
  |     <servlet-name>Blocking Servlet</servlet-name>
  |     <url-pattern>/block/*</url-pattern>
  |   </servlet-mapping>
  |     <servlet-mapping>
  |         <servlet-name>Persistent Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
  |         <url-pattern>*.seam</url-pattern>
  |     </servlet-mapping>
  | </web-app>


  | <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
  | <!DOCTYPE faces-config PUBLIC
  |           "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD JavaServer Faces Config 1.1//EN"
  |           "";>
  | <faces-config>
  |    <application>
  |       <message-bundle>messages</message-bundle>
  |    </application>
  |     <managed-bean>
  |         <managed-bean-name>highlight</managed-bean-name>
  |         <managed-bean-scope>application</managed-bean-scope>
  |     </managed-bean>
  |     <managed-bean>
  |         <managed-bean-name>timeZoneBean</managed-bean-name>
  |         <managed-bean-class>com.test.par.TimeZoneBean</managed-bean-class>
  |         <managed-bean-scope>session</managed-bean-scope>
  |     </managed-bean>
  |    <!-- Seam transaction management -->
  |    <lifecycle>
  |    </lifecycle>
  |    <!-- No Seam transaction management -->
  |    <!-- 
  |    <lifecycle>
  |       <phase-listener>org.jboss.seam.jsf.SeamPhaseListener</phase-listener>
  |    </lifecycle>
  |    -->
  | </faces-config>

I also updated the build.xml to include the icefaces jars and replacing the 
facelets jar with the icefaces one:

  | <?xml version="1.0"?>
  | <project name="myproject" default="deploy" basedir=".">
  |     <!-- Give user a chance to override without editing this file or typing 
-D -->
  |     <property file="${basedir}/" />
  |     <!-- set global properties for this build -->
  |     <property name="" value="myproject"/>
  |     <property name="dist.dir" value="dist" />
  |     <property name="" value="src" />
  |     <property name="lib.dir" value="lib" />
  |     <property name="ear.dir" value="exploded-archives/${}.ear" 
  |     <property name="jar.dir" value="exploded-archives/${}.jar" 
  |     <property name="war.dir" value="exploded-archives/${}.war" 
  |     <property name="test.dir" value="build/test" />
  |     <property name="embedded-ejb3.dir" value="${basedir}/embedded-ejb/conf" 
  |     <property name="deploy.dir" value="${jboss.home}/server/default/deploy" 
  |     <property name="ear.deploy.dir" 
value="${deploy.dir}/${}.ear" />
  |     <property name="jar.deploy.dir" 
value="${ear.deploy.dir}/${}.jar" />
  |     <property name="war.deploy.dir" 
value="${ear.deploy.dir}/${}.war" />
  |     <property name="testng.jar" 
value="${basedir}/lib/testng-4.5.1-jdk15.jar" />
  |     <property name="javac.debug" value="true" />
  |     <property name="javac.deprecation" value="false" />
  |     <fileset id="lib" dir="${lib.dir}">
  |             <include name="*.jar" />
  |     </fileset>
  |     <path id="build.classpath">
  |             <fileset refid="lib" />
  |     </path>
  |     <target name="init" description="Initialize the build">
  |             <mkdir dir="${jar.dir}" />
  |             <mkdir dir="${ear.dir}" />
  |             <mkdir dir="${war.dir}" />
  |             <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="compile" depends="init" 
  |                     description="Compile the Java source code" 
  |                     unless="eclipse.running">
  |             <javac classpathref="build.classpath" 
  |                             destdir="${jar.dir}" 
  |                               debug="${javac.debug}" 
  |                         deprecation="${javac.deprecation}" 
  |                             nowarn="on">
  |                     <src path="${}" />
  |             </javac>
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="jar" depends="compile" 
  |                     description="Build the distribution .jar file">
  |             <copy todir="${jar.dir}">
  |                     <fileset dir="${basedir}/resources">
  |                             <include name="" />
  |                             <include name="import.sql" />
  |                     </fileset>
  |             </copy>
  |             <copy todir="${jar.dir}/META-INF">
  |                     <fileset dir="${basedir}/resources/META-INF">
  |                             <include name="ejb-jar.xml" />
  |                             <include name="persistence.xml" />
  |                     </fileset>
  |             </copy>
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="war" depends="compile" 
  |                     description="Build the distribution .war file">
  |             <copy todir="${war.dir}">
  |                     <fileset dir="${basedir}/view" />
  |             </copy>
  |             <copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF">
  |                     <fileset dir="${basedir}/resources/WEB-INF">
  |                             <include name="*.*"/>
  |                             <include name="classes/**/*.*"/>
  |                             <exclude name="classes/**/*.class"/>
  |                     </fileset>
  |                     <filterset>
  |                             <filter token="jndiPattern" 
value="${}/#{ejbName}/local" />
  |                             <filter token="embeddedEjb" value="false" />
  |                     </filterset>
  |             </copy>         
  |             <copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF">
  |                     <fileset dir="${basedir}/resources/WEB-INF">
  |                             <include name="lib/*.*"/>
  |                             <include name="classes/**/*.class"/>
  |                     </fileset>
  |             </copy>         
  |             <copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/lib">
  |                     <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
  |                             <include name="icefaces.jar" />
  |                             <include name="icefaces-comps.jar" />
  |                             <include name="icefaces-facelets.jar" />
  |                             <include name="el-api.jar" />
  |                             <include name="el-ri.jar" />
  |                             <include name="jboss-seam-debug.jar" />
  |                             <include name="jboss-seam-ui.jar" />
  |                     </fileset>                      
  |             </copy>
  |             <copy todir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF/classes">
  |                     <fileset dir="${basedir}/resources"> 
  |                             <include name="messages*.properties"/>
  |                     </fileset>
  |             </copy>
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="ear" description="Build the EAR">
  |             <copy todir="${ear.dir}">
  |                     <fileset dir="${basedir}/resources">
  |                             <include name="*jpdl.xml" />
  |                             <include name="hibernate.cfg.xml" />
  |                             <include name="jbpm.cfg.xml" />
  |                     </fileset>
  |                     <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
  |                             <include name="jboss-seam.jar" />
  |                             <include name="jbpm*.jar" />
  |                             <include name="el-*.jar" />
  |                     </fileset>
  |             </copy>
  |             <copy todir="${ear.dir}/META-INF">
  |                     <fileset dir="${basedir}/resources/META-INF">
  |                             <include name="application.xml" />
  |                             <include name="jboss-app.xml" />
  |                     </fileset>
  |             </copy>
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="archive" depends="jar,war,ear" 
  |                     description="Package the archives">
  |             <jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${}.jar" 
  |             <jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${}.war" 
  |             <jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/${}.ear">
  |                     <fileset dir="${ear.dir}"/>
  |                     <fileset dir="${dist.dir}">
  |                             <include name="${}.jar"/>
  |                             <include name="${}.war"/>
  |                     </fileset>
  |             </jar>
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="datasource">
  |             <fail unless="jboss.home">jboss.home not set</fail>
  |             <copy todir="${deploy.dir}">
  |                     <fileset dir="${basedir}/resources">
  |                             <include name="${}-ds.xml" />
  |                     </fileset>
  |             </copy>
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="explode" depends="jar,war,ear,datasource" 
  |                     description="Deploy the exploded archive">
  |             <fail unless="jboss.home">jboss.home not set</fail>
  |             <mkdir dir="${jar.deploy.dir}"/>
  |             <mkdir dir="${war.deploy.dir}"/>                
  |             <copy todir="${jar.deploy.dir}">
  |                     <fileset dir="${jar.dir}"/>
  |             </copy>
  |             <copy todir="${war.deploy.dir}">
  |                     <fileset dir="${war.dir}"/>
  |             </copy>
  |             <copy todir="${ear.deploy.dir}">
  |                     <fileset dir="${ear.dir}"/>
  |             </copy>
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="unexplode" description="Undeploy the exploded archive">
  |             <delete failonerror="no">
  |                     <fileset dir="${ear.deploy.dir}">
  |                             <exclude name="**/*.jar"/>
  |                     </fileset>
  |             </delete>
  |             <delete file="${deploy.dir}/${}-ds.xml" 
  |             <delete dir="${ear.deploy.dir}" failonerror="no"/>
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="restart" depends="explode" description="Restart the 
exploded archive">
  |             <touch file="${ear.deploy.dir}/META-INF/application.xml"/>
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="deploy" depends="archive,datasource" description="Deploy 
to JBoss AS">
  |             <fail unless="jboss.home">jboss.home not set</fail>
  |             <copy todir="${deploy.dir}" 
file="${dist.dir}/${}.ear" />
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="undeploy" description="Undeploy the example from JBoss">
  |             <delete file="${deploy.dir}/${}.ear" />
  |             <delete file="${deploy.dir}/${}-ds.xml" />
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="clean" description="Cleans up the build directory">
  |             <delete dir="${dist.dir}" />
  |             <delete dir="${test.dir}" />
  |             <delete dir="${ear.dir}" />
  |             <delete dir="${war.dir}" />
  |             <delete>
  |                     <fileset dir="${jar.dir}">
  |                             <exclude name="**/*.class" 
  |                     </fileset>
  |             </delete>
  |     </target>
  |     <target name="test" depends="jar,war,ear" description="Run the tests">
  |             <taskdef resource="testngtasks" classpath="${testng.jar}" />
  |             <copy todir="${test.dir}">
  |                     <fileset dir="${basedir}/resources" />
  |                     <fileset dir="${jar.dir}" />
  |             </copy>
  |             <copy todir="${test.dir}/WEB-INF">
  |                     <fileset dir="${war.dir}/WEB-INF">
  |                             <exclude name="**/*.jar" />
  |                     </fileset>
  |             </copy>
  |             <copy todir="${test.dir}" flatten="true">
  |                     <fileset dir="${}">
  |                             <include name="**/*Test.xml" />
  |                     </fileset>
  |             </copy>
  |             <testng outputdir="${basedir}/testng-report">
  |                     <classpath path="${test.dir}" />
  |                     <classpath path="${embedded-ejb3.dir}" />
  |                     <classpath refid="build.classpath" />
  |                     <xmlfileset dir="${test.dir}" includes="*Test.xml" />
  |             </testng>
  |     </target>
  | </project>

Any ideas? 

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