I have a named Seam component that implements the following method.

  | @Name("packages")
  | @Stateful
  | @Scope(ScopeType.SESSION)
  | public class PackageAction {
  | ...
  |  public void selectAccount(ValueChangeEvent event) {
  |     log.info("[#0]: event #1", user.getUsername(), event.getNewValue());
  |     AccountEntity ae = (AccountEntity)event.getNewValue();
  |     workPackage.setAccount(ae);
  |     }
  | ...
  | }
My web interface code looks like this...

  |   <h:form id="controlCenter">
  |     <h:selectOneMenu id="accountMenu" 
  |       value="#{workPackage.account}" 
  |       valueChangeListener="#{packages.selectAccount}" 
  |       onchange="submit()" 
  |       rendered="#{!hasRemittance}" 
  |       style="font-size:80%"  >
  |       <f:selectItems value="#{packages.accountMap}" />
  |     </h:selectOneMenu>
  |   </h:form>

The packages.selectAccount method is never invoked. Breakpoints aren't hit and 
log statements never occur. It's as if the method doesn't not even exit.

What's wierd, is that I can change the signature of the method by removing the 
ValueChangeEvent parameer and the application never misses beat. Nothing 
complains that the selectAccounts method doesn't take a ValueChangeEvent 
object. At a minimum I thought I would get a runtime exception with something 
like NoSuchMethod or the like.

Any help is appreciated? I'll keep digging. Might try attaching the debugger to 
the seam code and see what's taking place. Could this be an issue with JSF 
Lifecycle and not seam?


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