I need  to do  a lot  of  independent  updates  in one  session.(JTA)

principaly  I need  multiple  Begin/commit  sessions

and  I use  a delegate  session to handle  the transactions.

even though (all/most)  transactions are commited successfull
i suffer  from the  main transaction  being  timed out.
This apearently causes all (previously  committed ??!?) transactions  to be  
rolled back  

I understand, seam handles the transactions itself using (8.2Seam manged 
transactions )
mentions :
use an extended persistence context that is scoped to the conversation, instead 
of to the transaction 

use two transactions per request; the first spans the beginning of the update 
model values phase until the end of the invoke application phase; the second 
spans the render response phase 

is there  some  solution to the  problem , Whatever  happens  a long 
operation gets  terminated  by a timeout 

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