
I'm using an "Entity Bean" as a backing bean to store the values from a form 
submited via a a post request.

I have noticed that in order to be able to access the instance of the "Entity 
Bean" in a "Session Bean" I have to use a syntax like:

EntityBean entityBean;

If I instead only use
EntityBean entityBean;

I get an exception, saying that the "In" requires a value, which implies that 
the instance of the EntityBean has not yet been bound to any one of the 6 seam 
contexts by a name.

Otherwise the second "In" should return an instance. But it returns null.

However, an instance of the EntityBean must exist somewhere else, because the 
post requests values must be kept somewhere.

What confuses me is the syntax of the @In(create=true), because the instance of 
the EntityBean must have been already created before we reach this annotation.

Shouldn't it be named more appropriately "(bound=true)" or 
"(bindToDefinedContext=true)" or something which refelcts this relationship 
more closely?

Because if it actually were created just when we reach the annotation, then all 
the values of it would be null or set to the default. 

Any comments on the subject?

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