Hi all,

I developped an application under seam 1.1.6. I'm using MySQL 5.
Everything works fine. Really, seam team keep up the good work !

I have just an annoying issue. 
I want to upgrade seam 1.1.6 to 1.2.1.
So I'm creating a new project using seam-gen under seam 1.2.1. I'm copying the 
java sources from 1.1.6 to 1.2.1 in the src/model and src/action directories 
within my new project. I'm modifying some xml files: pages.xml, 
faces-config.xml, application.xml (adding librairies like opncsv.jar, 
rsslib4j.jar) and that's about it. 
I'm building the project after modifying a little bit the build.xml to 
integrate the new librairies. Everything is ok.
As soon as I'm starting jboss my EJBs are deploying but I have problems with 
SQL data type that I don't had with seam 1.1.6. I'm using TEXT SQL data type in 
MySQL, I know it's not a good data type but with seam 1.1.6 it worked 
perfectly. So when deploying I have a Hibernate error which tells me to modify 
my column data type to VARCHAR(255). I noticed as well that both version of 
hibernate in seam 1.1.6 and seam 1.2.1 are the same.

Did I miss something ?

Thank you.


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