Hi everybody,

There are two ejb-s:

  - Account (entity)

       Account {
         public String getLogin() {...}

  - AccountManager (session)

       AccountManager {
          public Account findByLogin(String login) {...}

In order to check if account with the same login already exists or not, I 
developed a hibernate validator:

public @interface AccountLogin {
        String message() default "the same login already exists";

I'm trying to inject "accountManager" component into AccountLoginValidator in 
order to perform check but with no 
success - instance variable is always null:

public class AccountLoginValidator 
        implements Validator, PropertyConstraint {

        @In(create=true, value="accountManager")        
        private AccountManagerLocal accountManager;


With jndi lookup everything works fine, but I'd like to use seam
injection facilities to get this reference.

In any way to do this ?


     In page code bean I always get the reference to "accountManager" 
     without any problem using the same @In anotation. 

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