In my application I have an action method that needs to leave (not end) the 
current long running conversation, and start a new one. I tried the following 

  | *  annotate the method with @Begin => that doesn't work, because it 
requires that the current conversation is not long running; adding "join=true" 
or "nested=true" is no option, because I would like a new, not nested 
  | *  in the JSF page, use the <s:conversationPropagation type="none"> inside 
the command element to leave the current conversation => that doesn't work 
either because it ends the current conversation after the restore view phase, 
which is too early, because the conversation is still needed during the next 
couple of phases
I need something like an @Begin(leave-current=true) annotation, but it's not 
there. Of course, I can call the Seam API in my action method (using Seam's 
Manager class), but calling the Seam API directly in application code doesn't 
seem a future-proof solution. I start now with that approach, but I hope that 
someone has a better idea.

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