from log file
2007-01-30 08:46:03,749 DEBUG [org.jboss.seam.core.Manager] Discarding 
conversation state: 1720

I'm using JMeter to simulate concurrent users and load. After some amount of 
time or transactions (i'm not sure why this is happening) the seam Manager 
class destroys all active conversation states. JMeter cannot continue sending 
http requests because there are no active conversation, so JMeter just quits. I 
don't think it's an issue with JMeter.

There are no application exceptions logged anywhere. No seam, ejb, hibernate or 
any other exceptions are logged. It simply appears that seams decides to 
destroy my conversation states.

I'm not sure how to proceed or how much information to post for debugging 
purposes. I'd be happy to send an email/post all log files, configuration files 
and whatever else is needed.

This is very strange to me. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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