Yes, I'm back *g*.

Simplified scenario: I'm using a template for data tables listing entities with 
an edit link at the end of each row. The concrete list entries and the editor 
bean are put into the template via ui-params.

The list template:
                                <h:dataTable var="entry" 
  |                                     <ui:insert name="content" />
  |                                     <h:column>
  |                                             <s:link action="#{editor.edit}" 
value="Edit this">
  |                                                     <f:param name="id" 
value="#{}" />
  |                                             </s:link>
  |                                     </h:column>
  |                             </h:dataTable>

And a concrete "content" example, that gets decorated with the above code:

<ui:param name="editor" value="#{personEditorBean}" />
  | <ui:param name="liste" value="#{personListBean}" />
  | <ui:define name="content">
  |     ...other columns...
  | </ui:define>

If I use h:commandLink instead of s:link, everything works fine.
But s:link is not able to understand that #{editor.edit} means (in this case) 

Caused by: javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Base is null: editor

wtf? ^^

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