The Seam manual (1.2.1.GA) shows how to use Java code instead of XML
for using the EntityHome framework class. For example, instead of

  <component name="personHome" class="org.jboss.seam.framework.EntityHome">
      <property name="entityClass">eg.Person</property>

one can write:

  public class PersonHome extends EntityHome<Person> {}

Now I'm wondering if there is a similar analogue to using EntityQuery:

  <component name="people" class="org.jboss.seam.framework.EntityQuery">
     <property name="ejbql">select p from Person p</property>

That is, how do I write this in Java. The JavaDoc documentation for
the (Entity)Query class provides no documentation at all (other than
the signatures for the classes).

Any hints would be appreciated.

-- Eelco

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