Evan Homan [http://community.jboss.org/people/ephoman] created the discussion

"SNMP monitoring of MBeans (attributes.xml in snmp-adaptor.sar)"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/563621#563621

I want to monitor some attributes of seveal MBeans that are running on my 

I have configured my attributes.xml unders snmp-adaptor.sar to include:

<mbean name="jboss.ha:service=HASingletonDeployer">
      <attribute name="MasterNode"    oid="."/>
      <attribute name="PartitionName" oid="."/>
      <attribute name="TargetStopMethodArgument" oid="."/>
      <attribute name="TargetName" oid="."/>
      <attribute name="State" oid="."/>
      <attribute name="StateString" oid="."/>
      <attribute name="ClusterPartition" oid="."/>

But with my MIB browser I can only successfully do a get() on String or Int 
attributes.  Boolean or objects will return an SNMP error.  So, the adaptor is 
not even "publishing" the OID for those cases.

For my above list, MasterNode, TargetName, and ClusterPartition fail on SNMP 
get(), the rest are successful.

*Any workaround for this?*

>From the JMX console for org.jboss.ha.singleton.HASingletonController:

TargetName javax.management.ObjectName
StateString java.lang.String
MasterNode boolean
ClusterPartition org.jboss.ha.framework.server.ClusterPartitionMBean
TargetStartMethod java.lang.String
TargetStartMethodArgument java.lang.String
State int
TargetStopMethodArgument java.lang.String
PartitionName java.lang.String
(among others)

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