Hope this wokrs ;) Adjust the factory to your name...

  | <jbpm-context>
  |     <service name="persistence">
  |       <factory>
  |         <bean class="org.jbpm.persistence.db.DbPersistenceServiceFactory">
  |           <field name="isCurrentSessionEnabled"><true /></field>
  |           <field name="isTransactionEnabled"><false /></field>
  |         </bean>
  |       </factory>
  |     </service>
  |     <service name="message">

isCurrentSessionEnabled true means jBPM will request Hibernate to use the 
current session associated with the current transaction. If there is no current 
transaction, an exception will be thrown stating no session is active. In this 
case, you may want to set this isCurrentSessionEnabled to false, and inject the 
current session into the JbpmContext via the JbpmContext.setSession(session) 
method. This will also insure that jBPM uses the same Hibernate session as 
other parts of your application. Note, the Hibenrate session can be injected 
into a stateless session bean via a persistence context, for example

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