I generated by the button "Generate New Form ..."  a form for a task.
In taskname.xhtml  file have  xmlns:tf="http://jbpm.org/jsf/tf"; and       
xmlns:jbpm="http://jbpm.org/jsf";. And also have some tag using both, like 

But when jbpm-console try to open the task page, I got the error 
<jbpm:dataform> Tag Library supports namespace: http://jbpm.org/jsf, but no tag 
was defined for name: dataform 

I try to import to the project jbpm-console (using variable JBPM_REPO) the 
jbpm4jsf.jar, but not works.

So, what I can do to jbpm-console recognize tag from jbpm4jsf 
(xmlns:tf="http://jbpm.org/jsf/tf"; and       xmlns:jbpm="http://jbpm.org/jsf";) ?

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