Firstly I am new to jBPM and I appologise if this has been asked dozens of time 
before or its a dumb ass question. I have done a fair bit of googling and not 
been able to come up with an answer yet. I am happy to read so if a reply is a 
pointer to somewhere that can tell me how to do what I want to do I will be 

I have defined my process, which initially will be very simple, but will become 
more complicated later. Initially it has no human interaction but it will which 
is why we are using jBPM.

My process has 3 nodes. From the start it transitions to a node that will 
identify a list of people that will eventually sign off. From there it will go 
to a node that identifies if the task needs to be assigned to a person, if it 
does not it transitions to a node that checks if all people have signed off and 
if they have transitions to the end. The rules for who signs off have yet to be 
decided so the second node and third node will drop straight thru the true leg. 
Eventually these nodes will branch and the process will look like

I had planned on writing Actions for all my steps so I have an action that 
fires when the first node is entered which updates a status in the database, 
this action works fine. I then have an action that will identify the sign-offs 
and place a serializable object in a context variable, this also get fired. I 
also have an action which will identify if we need more sign-offs and if we 
need to assign the request. Finally I have actions that are fired on transition 
to log events in a database.

My UI fires an event (via dwr) which kicks off the whole process by creating an 
instance of the process and calling the signal event. I can see the first node 
getting hit because I see the on entry action and the event action firing, 
however it progresses no further. I tried putting a signal in the ActionHandler 
but that does not work. How would you normally get the process model to move on 
to the next step. Do I have to do a signal for each node to get it to progress? 
I presume there is no automatic movement from one node to the next if there is 
no user wait state.

If I want to trigger the process from a dwr and then allow the user to carry on 
and have the process running in the background do I need to start a thread 
process on the weblogic server to keep sending signals? Or use something like a 
message driven bean and send it a message to proceed? Will I then need to send 
it a message in the ActionHandler for each node to get it to continue?

Are there any documents or resources out there that walk you through the setup 
of a jBPM process model?



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