I`m using JBOSS as a server and installed Axis so I can use it to create a Web 
Service. I tryed to create a simple Web Service (Hello service) but I get the 
following error while JBOSS is starting :

ERROR [EngineConfigurationFactoryServlet] Unable to find config file.  Creating 
new servlet engine config file: /WEB-INF/server-config.wsdd

Well I assume that the problem has something to do with the JBOSS - Axis 
configuration but I followed the instructions which seem to be right:

"Axis can be obtained from http://ws.apache.org/axis/. You can either obtain 
the Axis source and build the binary distribution from the source or obtain the 
binary distribution directly.
In either case, the end result will include a webapps directory. Within this is 
a subdirectory called axis. Copy this subdirectory to the appropriate 
deployment directory for your JBoss 3.2.x run-time instance, 
JBOSS_HOME/server/instance/deploy where instance is the run-time instance. 
Normally this would be JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy but adjust this for 
your situation. Change the subdirectory name from axis to axis.war. This allows 
JBoss 3.2.x to identify the deployment as a web application and appropriately 
delegate run-time deployment to the servlet container.
The Axis includes most of the necessary libraries required to support Web 
services into the WEB-INF/lib directory of the WAR. These include saaj.jar and 
jaxrpc.jar. In a standalone Tomcat 4.1.x distribution, these libraries would 
need to be situated CATALINA_HOME/common/lib due to the Tomcat constraints for 
loading classes in the java.* and javax.* hierarchy. Notes regarding this were 
included in the earlier Axis Release Candidates (RCs). With JBoss 3.2.x, users 
have discovered that Axis will not correctly deploy if saaj.jar and jaxrpc.jar 
are contained in the axis.war/WEB-INF/lib directory while using the standard 
Java 2 compliant class-loading scheme in JBoss.
We moved saaj.jar and jaxrpc.jar to server/instance/deploy/jbossweb-tomcat.sar 
for JBoss-Tomcat distributions."

After these instructions are done I get ERROR that we spoke about above:

ERROR [EngineConfigurationFactoryServlet] Unable to find config file.  Creating 
new servlet engine config file: /WEB-INF/server-config.wsdd

It seems that JBOSS cannot create the server-config.wsdd
Due to this error my simple WebService HelloService ends up with the following 
exception: The AXIS engine could not find a target service to invoke! 
targetService is Hello!

Additional information - I use Eclipse3.2.1

I'll be glad if I get any kind of help ideas!

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