I have to make a web application with EJB3 entity bean and also a web service.
I have installed JBOSS 4.0.4.GA (with EJB3) and I have learned EJB3 with the 
laliluna tutorial (http://www.laliluna.de/download/ejb3-struts-tutorial-en.pdf.
It work pretty fine but now, I want to test Web services and I haven't found 
any tutorial about developpement and deployement of jbossWS web services with 
Eclipse (or myEclipse)...

Can we use annotations ?
Witch library have to be added to the project ?
How to make wsdl file from eclipse (is it possible ?).

I know you may have a lot of post like this one, but 5 minutes of your time can 
help me (and may be others).
I'm not an Ant guru so, I would learn how to make web service from eclipse not 
from shell (if possible).

Thanks a lot for your answers

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