snippet of wsdl gernerated by jbossws

  | <definitions name="ListBagsService" 
  | targetNamespace=""; 
  | xmlns=""; 
  | xmlns:ns1=""; 
  | xmlns:ns2=""; 
  | xmlns:soap=""; 
  | xmlns:tns=""; 
  | xmlns:xsd="";>

java client works okay with stubs generated by axis. the incoming soap envelope 
tag looks like this (from java client).

  | <soapenv:Envelope 
  | xmlns:soapenv='' 
  | xmlns:xsd='' 
  | xmlns:xsi=''>

from a perl client I get this error: 

  | <env:Envelope xmlns:env=''>
  | <env:Header/>
  | <env:Body>
  | <env:Fault>
  | <faultcode>env:VersionMismatch</faultcode>
  | <faultstring>Invalid SOAP envelope namespace:</faultstring>
  | </env:Fault>
  | </env:Body>
  | </env:Envelope>

and this is the incoming soap:envelope tag contents

  | <soap:Envelope 
  | xmlns:ns1=""; 
  | xmlns:ns2=""; 
  | soap:encodingStyle=""; 
  | xmlns:soap=""; 
  | xmlns:xsi=""; 
  | xmlns:soapenc=""; 
  | xmlns:tns=""; 
  | xmlns:xsd="";>

this envelope tag looks okay to me and i can't understand why jboss is 
rejecting the xmlns:soap="";  namespace. 
Especially sinces in part of the generated wsdl.

any thoughts.

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