I am trying to call a secured web service from a SLSB. I have injected the port 
using @Resource but get a connection exception because the credentials are not 
set. I have come up with a workaround to propagate the credentials (see below). 
But I would like to know if there is a standards based way to propagate 
credentials to the jaxrpc stub.

Do I just need to wait for the full JaxWS implementation in JBossWS 2.0?

  | @RolesAllowed(value = { "User" })
  | @SecurityDomain("portal")
  | public class AuthorizationCallbackServiceAdapterBean implements 
AuthorizationCallbackServiceLocal {
  |   @Resource(mappedName = 
  |   protected AuthorizationCallbackService_PortType port;
  |   public void authorizationResponse(Long paymentId, Boolean status) {
  |      try {
  |       Stub stub = (Stub) port;
  |       stub._setProperty(Stub.USERNAME_PROPERTY, 
  |       stub._setProperty(Stub.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, 
  |       port.authorizationResponse(paymentId, status);
  |      } catch (Exception e) {
  |         throw new RuntimeException(e);
  |      }
  |   }
  | }

Calling SecurityAssociation and setting the properties on the stub is the 
prioritary workaround that i would like to avoid.

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