
We have a production environment with jboss 4.2.3. It has been working 
successfully until now, when we are experiencing network issues. TCP 
connections are broken very often. Also we noticed that a great number of tcp 
connections in a ESTABLISHED status were beginning to increase out of control. 
We have a pool of 9 max connections and we had 3 hundred of ESTABLISHED 
connections and rising. So we had a look at the code and noticed a bug in 
connection validation, in 
org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.InternalManagedConnectionPool class  
validateConnections method.

  |         boolean destroyed = false;
  |          try
  |          {
  |             while (true)
  |             {
  |                ConnectionListener cl = null;
  |                synchronized (cls)
  |                {
  |                   if (cls.size() == 0)
  |                   {
  |                      break;
  |                   }
  |                   cl = removeForFrequencyCheck();
  |                }
  |                if (cl == null)
  |                {
  |                   break;
  |                }
  |                try
  |                {
  |                   Set candidateSet = 
  |                   if (mcf instanceof ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory)
  |                   {
  |                      ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory vcf = 
(ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory) mcf;
  |                      candidateSet = vcf.getInvalidConnections(candidateSet);
  |                      if (candidateSet != null && candidateSet.size() > 0)
  |                      {
  |                         if (cl.getState() != ConnectionListener.DESTROY)
  |                         {
  |                            doDestroy(cl);
  |                            destroyed = true;
  |                         }
  |                      }
  |                   }
  |                   else
  |                   {
  |                      log.warn("warning: background validation was specified 
with a non compliant ManagedConnectionFactory interface.");
  |                   }
  |                }
  |                finally
  |                {
  |                   if(!destroyed)
  |                   {
  |                      synchronized (cls)
  |                      {
  |                         returnForFrequencyCheck(cl);
  |                      }                     
  |                   }
  |                }
  |             }
  |          }
  |          finally
  |          {
  |             permits.release();
  |             if (destroyed && shutdown.get() == false && poolParams.minSize 
> 0)
  |             {
  |                PoolFiller.fillPool(this);
  |             }
  |          }

What happens when you have a set of 3 connections in the pool, and when you run 
this validation code, the fist one is not valid and the following 2 are valid? 
I will tell you. Those 2 valid connections remain established but they don't 
return to the pool, resulting that you have 2 established connections out of 
control. Besides, counters don't get updated and the resource adapter turns 
into an inconsistent status. All of this is because you don't update destroyed 
variable to false on every iteration. I think it is not necesary to explain 
this more in detail...

So I have developed the following simple solution to fix this issue:

  |          boolean anyDestroyed = false;
  |          try {
  |             while (true) {
  |                boolean destroyed = false;
  |                ConnectionListener cl = null;
  |                synchronized (cls) {
  |                   if (cls.size() == 0) {
  |                      break;
  |                   }
  |                   cl = removeForFrequencyCheck();
  |                }
  |                if (cl == null) {
  |                   break;
  |                }
  |                try {
  |                   Set candidateSet = 
  |                   if (mcf instanceof ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory) {
  |                      ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory vcf = 
(ValidatingManagedConnectionFactory) mcf;
  |                      candidateSet = vcf.getInvalidConnections(candidateSet);
  |                      if (candidateSet != null && candidateSet.size() > 0) {
  |                         if (cl.getState() != ConnectionListener.DESTROY) {
  |                            doDestroy(cl);
  |                            destroyed = true;
  |                            anyDestroyed = true;
  |                         }
  |                      }
  |                   } else {
  |                      log.warn("warning: background validation was specified 
with a non compliant ManagedConnectionFactory interface.");
  |                   }
  |                } finally {
  |                   if (!destroyed) {
  |                      synchronized (cls) {
  |                         returnForFrequencyCheck(cl);
  |                      }
  |                   }
  |                }
  |             }
  |          } finally {
  |             permits.release();
  |             if (anyDestroyed && shutdown.get() == false && 
poolParams.minSize > 0) {
  |                PoolFiller.fillPool(this);
  |             }
  |          }

I've had a look at the jira and haven't found this bug as reported. If it has 
been already fixed i apologize for making you loose your time, if not, it would 
be so kind of you to send me one of those jboss merchandising caps as I have 
helped you to find several jca bugs so far... ;) Actually, I think this bug is 
so big that I can't understand how nobody has noticed it before...

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