I have an application where a war is packaged in an ear together with an ejb3 
jar. The application has worked fine before but suddenly when building a new 
version it started to cause problems. When trying to look up a session bean 
from a servlet in the war file I get the following exception:

se.broaden.portal.t2.SubscriptionServiceException: Error performing 'se.broaden.
  | portal.t2.SubscriptionService.findSubscriptions(java.lang.String msisdn)' 
--> ja
  | vax.naming.CommunicationException: Receive timed out [Root exception is 
  | .SocketTimeoutException: Receive timed out]
  | ....
  | Caused by: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Receive timed out
  |         at java.net.PlainDatagramSocketImpl.receive0(Native Method)
  |         at 
  | :136)
  |         at java.net.DatagramSocket.receive(DatagramSocket.java:712)
  |         at 
  | 87)
  |         at 
  |         at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:594)
  |         at org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContext.lookup(NamingContext.java:587)
  |         at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup(InitialContext.java:351)
  |         at 
  | riptionServiceBean_Remote(ServiceLocator.java:108)
  |         at 
  | ceRemote(SubscriptionServiceDelegate.java:40)
  |         at 
  | bscriptionServiceDelegate.java:196)
  |         ... 32 more

What happens is that for some reason my web app tries to do a service discovery 
over multicast instead of using the local server in the same vm.

I've run it with debugger and see that at line 1442 in NamingContext the 
localServer is null, hence it goes for discovery which doesn't work in my setup 
as I haven't deployed any HA stuff.

The application is generated with AndroMDA 3.3-SNAPSHOT and obviously that has 
something to do with it as an older version of the same application which is 
generated with AndroMDA 3.2-SNAPSHOT works fine when deployed on the same jboss 

However, I've examined all deployment descriptors generated by AndroMDA and 
compared them to the ones that actually work and I can't find anything strange 
and nothing that has to do with naming. There is no jndi.properties or anything 
like that. I've also checked with the debugger what actually happens in the 
generated ServiceDelegate which is used to look up the session bean. It creates 
an InitialContext with null environment, exactly as the  working app does, but 
fails when trying to look up the remote interface.

What could possible cause this behavior when a war in the same ear file starts 
to try to discover naming service? No clustering what so ever is configured as 
far as I can see.

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