Hello all,
I have a few MBeans services defined with EJB 3 annotations. They are made to 
be used in the JMX console by a user who will call their operations and watch 
their attributes, so they should be documented enough.
The problem is that I can't find a way to specify parameters names, operations 
and attributes description.
I just found an article 
demonstrating that one can achieve this functionnality defining custom 
annotations and overriding StandardMBean class to extract informations from our 
custom annotations. Well this may do the trick, but:
1/ I don't use registerMBean to do the job, I just annotate my class with 
@Service. Since I'm fairly new to EJB (this is my first project), and began 
with EJB 3, I know nothing about this way of registering a MBean. I'm wondering 
where should I call registerMBean, because obviously, I would need to register 
MBeans when the application is deployed (but how to have some code executed at 
this moment ??), and also take care of dependencies between my MBeans, which 
may imply to respect an accurate call order.
2/ I would really prefer a pure EJB3 solution relying on @Service and @Depends 
annotations to register MBeans correctly.
3/ I can't believe there isn't a built-in solution to document MBeans. Having 
to rediscover the wheel to implement what I consider as a basic feature 
compared to what already exist in EJB 3 seems incredible.
Does anyone knows if there is a way to do this using JBoss annotations or 
standard annotations. If there isn't, what are the others possibilies ?
Thanks in advance[/url]

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