"bcosnefroy" wrote : Hi,
| Sorry to reply to my own topics...
| I've found how to solve my problem.
| There is a jndi.properties file in the twiddle.jar file.
| In the jndi.properties file, I've added the line:
| jnp.disableDiscovery=true
| Now when my Jboss server i
Sorry to reply to my own topics...
I've found how to solve my problem.
There is a jndi.properties file in the twiddle.jar file.
In the jndi.properties file, I've added the line:
Now when my Jboss server is down, twiddle.sh returns an Exception.
I still have to modi
It seems that I have to use the jndi option:
to disable the multicast.
I wonder how to set this option without changing the Twiddle.java code.
Should I create a jndi.properties file in the twiddle.jar or should I add a
parameter to my java command line in the twid
Thanks Dimitris for your answer.
I've search for the option but I can't find it.
As you told me, in the org.jboss.console.twiddle.Twiddle.java, I can see:
Properties props = new Properties(System.getProperties());
props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, serverURL);
ctx = new InitialContext(
I think it has to do with how the naming service is looked up. If it can't find
it, it multicasts to the network to find the server. There is some option to
turn this off, so you can search for it.
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