
We are using JBOSS 4.0.4GA along with Sonic JCA Resource adapter. I have a MDB 
deployed on JBOSS which listens on a Topic on Sonic ESB. Under heavy load on 
this topic, my MDB appears to turn deaf after processing 10000 or so messages 
on this topic. I see in the server.log messages like one shown below:

  | 2006-12-22 02:43:48,433 DEBUG [Sonic Resource Adapter for JCA] 
SonicServerSessionPool.getServerSession() SessionMessageProcessor (34) 1: 
TopicSubscriber msg handler, $CC$$TS$wait for available session

  | 2006-12-22 02:43:48,525 DEBUG [Sonic Resource Adapter for JCA] 
SonicServerSessionPool.getServerSession() SessionMessageProcessor (27) 1: 
TopicSubscriber msg handler, $CC$$TS$ wait for available session ended

This phenomenan is fairly reproducible. I wrote a stand along java code, which 
will publish about 21000 messages on the topic by reading stuff from a file. 
This program takes about 5 minutes to dump these 21000 messages on the topic.

Structure of this client program is fairly standard and simple. Given below in 
case you are interested to have a look.

  | InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(properties);      
  | ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = (ConnectionFactory) 
client.lookup(ctx, "ConnectionFactory");                 
  | javax.jms.Connection  connection = connectionFactory.createConnection();    
  | javax.jms.Session session = 
  | Topic tp = session.createTopic("TopicName");
  | MessageProducer messageProducer = session.createProducer(tp);       
  | BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("data.txt"));
  | String str = null;
  | while((str = in.readLine()) !=null) {                       
  |    TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage(str);
  |    messageProducer.send(message, DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT, 4, 5400000);
  |    System.out.println("Published message");
  | }
  | // Do stuff to close BufferedReader, MessageProducer, Session and 
Connection and in that order

Now my MDB takes about 300 ms on an average to process the message. This 
involves updating about 10 tables on an Oracle database using a local-tx 

Here is the ejb-jar.xml for the MDB

  | <enterprise-beans>          
  |             <message-driven>
  |                     <ejb-name>SomeMDB</ejb-name>
  |                     <ejb-class>mypackage.SomeMDB</ejb-class>
  |                     <transaction-type>Bean</transaction-type>               
  |                     <activation-config>
  |                             <activation-config-property>
  |                             </activation-config-property>
  |                             <activation-config-property>
  |                             </activation-config-property>   
  |                             <activation-config-property>
  |                 </activation-config-property>
  |                 <activation-config-property>
  |                 </activation-config-property>
  |                 <activation-config-property>
  |                 </activation-config-property>
  |                  <activation-config-property>
  |                  </activation-config-property>                              
  |                     </activation-config>
  |             </message-driven>               
  |     </enterprise-beans>
  |     <!-- Assembly Descriptor -->
  |     <assembly-descriptor>    
  |             <container-transaction>
  |                     <method>
  |                             <ejb-name>SomeMDB</ejb-name>
  |                             <method-name>*</method-name>                    
  |                     </method>                       
  |                     <trans-attribute>NotSupported</trans-attribute>
  |             </container-transaction>
  |     </assembly-descriptor>

Here is the code for MDB

  | public void onMessage(Message message) {            
  |     TextMessage txtMess = (TextMessage)message;     
  |     Connection con = null;          
  |     try {           
  |             String xml = txtMess.getText();
  |             log.debug("SomeMDB|onMessage|Message Driven Bean Got Message: " 
+ xml);
  |             InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
  |             DataSource ds = (DataSource) 
  |             con = ds.getConnection();       
  |             con.setAutoCommit(false);
  |             dp = new DataProcessor(con);
  |             dp.process(xml);         // Process message to take about 150 
  |             con.commit();                   
  |     } catch(Throwable e) {                  
  |             log.error("Caught Throwable " + e.getMessage() , e);            
  |             try {
  |                     con.rollback();
  |             } catch(Throwable t) {                          
  |                     log.error("CAn't rollback" , t);        
  |             } 
  |     } finally {
  |             try {
  |                     con.close();
  |             } catch(SQLException e1) {
  |                     log.error("Can't close connection " , e1);
  |             }                       
  |     }
  | }

The echo message in SomeMDB stops appearing the log after processing about 
10000 messages.

I have tried a lot of permutations. Some of them being:

1. Instead of using Bean managed transaction with notsupported transactiontype, 
use a CM transaction with Required transaction type. That causes another type 
of problem because Sonic JCA adapter appears to start a XA transaction and I 
was using the local-tx for oracle. I got a series of about 5 transaction time 
out. Further messages did not get processed.
2. I tried a CM Transaction with Required Transaction Type with Oracle XA 
transaction which dropped messages too. But I did not get any more transaction 
time out. The error message was the same as shown near the top.
3. I started off with my client doing a producer.send(textmessage) and my MDB 
not being durable which did not work too. 

Here is what works and is very weird.
In my publisher code, I add a delay of 300 ms between the messages produced by 
doing a Thread.sleep(300). My MDB now seems to respond well and consume all the 

Per SonicMQ documentation, if the publisher is publishing PERSISTENT messages 
and MDB is durable that will gurantee message delivery. But it does not appear 
so. I crashed my container after my MDB stopped listening and restarted it in 
the hope that it will pick up the message. But my MDB did not pick up the 

Durable subscription works and I have tested it. So there should not be a 
problem with activation config.

We probably can't ask the publisher in a production like environment to add 
this delay between the messages so that we can consume them because they run 
several production jobs sequentially and by adding this delay there entire job 
processing time will be increased by 1.5 hours or so.

Does any one have run into this problem? Any help will be appreciated. 

I have searched into the forum and have read the issue with concurrent.jar etc. 
That should not be a problem because we are using such a newer version of JBoss.

Any thoughts will be appreciated. I am going to try to add the Jboss MQ trace 
level logging to see if that gives me any more explanation.

Happy new year.

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