We have a JEE application running with EJB2 that we have migrated to EJB3. 

Before migration, this app runs perfectly on JBoss 423 compiled on JDK5 with 
runtime JRE5 and JRE6 (not at the same time though) up to 50 simulatneous users 
on a single JBoss instance.

After migration to EJB3, we are experiencing this error on both JRE5 and JRE6 
as of 5 simultaneous users : 

  | # java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 2292728 bytes for Chunk::new. Out 
of swap space?
  | Current thread (0x54092800):  JavaThread "CompilerThread0" daemon 
[_thread_in_native, id=4092, stack(0x54280000,0x542d0000)]
  | Stack: [0x54280000,0x542d0000]
  | [error occurred during error reporting (printing stack bounds), id 
  | Current CompileTask:
  | C2:4692      com.lectra.pdm.enterpriselayer.server.productmanagement ...

We don't have this problem if we force JVM options so that it only runs in 
interpreted mode (-Xint). We also have created a file with the list of methods 
we want to keep out of the JIT, gave this to the JVM as startup option and it 
works longer. But it eventualy crashes.

Any recommendation to fix this issue ? Needless to say this is a showstopper 
for us as far as upgrade to EJB3 / JBoss 5 is concerned.

We didn't want to use JBoss 423 as it is not fully JEE compliant and this is a 
strong constraint for our software solution. 

Many thanks in advance for your help !

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