I have a problem in testing remote method calls via http using JBOSS 4.2.0.GA 
application server.

I want to call EJB3 methods via HTTP ONLY (I have a firewall problem) 

I followed the configurations described on JBoss wiki at 


Everything works fine if my clients are in the same LAN as my JBoss Server.

But the real scenario is that the JBoss Server is behind a router/firewall, so 
the clients don't have direct access to the JBoss Server. 
(Please see the diagram below) 

JBoss Server(<Lan IP>)<-->Router(<Router IP>)<---INTERNET--> Client()

The router is configured to forward TCP/UDP (8080) to the JBoss Server.
My problem is that the client tries to connect to the JBoss <LAN IP> and  not 
to <Router IP>.

I suppose that the JBoss server expose the internal lan ip to the client. 
Where can i configure the 'client connect port' parameter so the client should 
try to connect to the router ip and not the internal lan ip of my jboss server?


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