Hi All,

I have downloaded jboss-sso-1.0CR1 and jboss-4.2.2.GA.
I am following the document from http://labs.jboss.com/wiki/StartFedSSO. 

Here are the steps to test your SSO Framework installation
 * Install jboss-sso-test.ear into the 'deploy' directory of the 'default' 
    * run -c default -b node1.jboss.com       
    * Now create an exact same copy of 'default' configuration and name it 
    * run -c default2 -b node1.jboss.org (for cross domain test) or run -c 
default2 -b node2.jboss.com (for same domain test)    
    * Point your web browser to:    

I have deployed the jboss-sso.sar and jboss-federation-server.ear in the  
server/default/deploy directory. I start the server run -c default -b 
'qualified domain name' and the test war is accessible. Then 
what i need to put in place of 'node2.jboss.com '.

I want to test the SSO using JBoss federated SSO.
Is there any detailed document releted with this.

Sleem Khan

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