Apologies if these appear to be really dumb questions, but I've spent most of 
this week going round in circles trying make sense of what I need to do and 
have failed miserably so far. 

What I'm looking for is for someone to 'point me in the right direction' 
regarding what I'd need to do to implement SSO and Federation at our site. 
Although I'm familiar with the web app side of things (Struts, JDBC etc) and we 
use Jboss as our production server, I'm new to SAML, JAAS etc so please be 
gentle with me :-)

Our long-term strategy will put us in the position of having :-

- web apps hosted on our own servers which communicate with our own systems

- web apps hosted on our own servers which communicate with systems hosted on 
third party sites, mainly via web services

- third party companies who host web apps on their servers with whom we need to 

What we want to do is intercept requests from users who are not logged on and 
reroute them to our own custom-written logon application, which prompts for 
user and password details. Once they are logged on it will forward the user 
onto their chosen web app and/or federate to one of our third party companies.

The wep apps are deployed as war files developed using Struts (and possibly 
Spring in the future). 

There are a couple of key considerations :- 

- the 'logon' web app will go beyond the standard 'user & password' entry in 
that it will be a two-stage process. On the first page we want to ask for the 
user id and one other item of data (probably birthdate), then use this to 
populate a second page where we ask for specific characters from their password 
(e.g characters 5 and 9). The character positions will vary each time and the 
length of the password will vary between users. This application will interface 
to an Oracle database where we maintain and validate the user details.

- as well as the user id the web apps will also need other attributes relating 
to that person, particularly data needed to identify the user at the third 
party companies. These id's will be stored on the Oracle database

- we want to avoid implementing a logon page for each application and use just 
a single standalone war file to do this

- we dont need to federate from Day 1, intially all we want is SSO between our 
apps but we dont want to have to redevelop later to support federation

So, how do I tie all the above together into one seamless experience for the 
user ?

I've downloaded JBoss Federated SSO but failed at the first hurdle because 
we're not using LDAP. I can see that I need to implement my own LoginProvider 
but cant work out what form this should take (war, ear etc), how to deploy it, 
or how it relates to the logon app we need to build, or how our 'business' apps 
understand which user they are dealing with

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