
JAAS is not working on Linux, I deployed the application in JBoss, but it is 
bypassing the security manager and directly going to welcome/home page. It 
never prompts for the username and password.  and not throwing any error also.

But the same application war file, without changing anything, if i deploy on 
Windows system, it works fine.

Here is the system details :

Linux System Info :

RedHat Enterprise Linux 3 (Update 4)
Kernal Version : 2.4.21-27.0.2.ELsmp

JBoss Version

JDK Version

To test it,  i even tested with sample jaas application.

In login-config.xml

    <application-policy name = "jaasproject">
  |        <authentication>
  |           <login-module code = "org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule"
  |              flag = "required">
  |           </login-module>
  |           <login-module 
  |              flag = "required">
  |              <module-option 
  |              <module-option 
  |           </login-module>
  |        </authentication>
  |     </application-policy>

In JBOSS_HOME/client/auth.conf  file

  | {
  | org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule required;
  | org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule required;
  | };

In JBOSS_HOME/server/standard/conf/auth.conf  file

  | {
  | org.jboss.security.ClientLoginModule required;
  | org.jboss.security.auth.spi.UsersRolesLoginModule required;
  | };

In jboss-web.xml file

  |     <security-domain>java:/jaas/jaasproject</security-domain>
  |     <context-root>/jaasproject</context-root>
  | </jboss-web>

In jndi.properties

  | java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces

In web.xml

  | <web-app >
  |     <display-name>jaasproject</display-name>
  |     <welcome-file-list>
  |             <welcome-file>home.jsp</welcome-file>
  |     </welcome-file-list>
  |     <security-constraint>
  |             <web-resource-collection>
  |                     <web-resource-name>jsp</web-resource-name>
  |                     <description>Declarative security tests</description>
  |                     <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern>
  |                     <http-method>HEAD</http-method>
  |                     <http-method>GET</http-method>
  |                     <http-method>POST</http-method>
  |                     <http-method>PUT</http-method>
  |                     <http-method>DELETE</http-method>
  |             </web-resource-collection>
  |             <auth-constraint>
  |                     <role-name>ReadOnly</role-name> 
  |             </auth-constraint>
  |             <user-data-constraint>
  |                     <description>no description</description>
  |                     <transport-guarantee>NONE</transport-guarantee>
  |             </user-data-constraint>
  |     </security-constraint>
  |     <login-config>
  |             <auth-method>FORM</auth-method>
  |             <form-login-config>
  |             <form-login-page>/login.jsp</form-login-page> 
  |             <form-error-page>/error.jsp</form-error-page>
  |             </form-login-config>
  |     </login-config>
  |     <security-role>
  |             <description>A user allowed to invoke echo methods</description>
  |             <role-name>ReadOnly</role-name>
  |     </security-role>
  |     <security-role>
  |             <description>A user allowed to invoke echo methods</description>
  |             <role-name>FullAccess</role-name>
  |     </security-role>
  | </web-app>

and my login.jsp

  | <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
  | <%@ page language="java" %>
  | <html >
  | <HEAD>
  | <!-- To prevent caching -->
  | <% 
  | response.setHeader("Cache-Control","no-cache"); // HTTP 1.1
  | response.setHeader("Pragma","no-cache"); // HTTP 1.0
  | response.setDateHeader ("Expires", -1); // Prevents caching at the proxy 
  | %>
  | <SCRIPT> 
  | function submitForm() {
  | var frm = document. logonForm;
  | // Check if all the required fields have been entered by the user before
  | // submitting the form
  | if( frm.j_username.value == "" ) { 
  | alert("Pls Enter user name");
  | frm.j_username.focus();
  | return ;
  | }
  | if( frm.j_password.value == "" ) { 
  | alert("Pls enter password");
  | frm.j_password.focus();
  | return ;
  | } 
  | frm.submit();
  | }
  | </SCRIPT>
  | </HEAD>
  | <BODY>
  | <!--  FORM name="logonForm" action="home.jsp" METHOD=POST --> 
  | <form method="POST" action='<%= response.encodeURL( "j_security_check" ) 
  | <TABLE width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding=
  | "1" bgcolor="white">
  | <TABLE width="100%" border="0" cellspacing=
  | "0" cellpadding="5">
  | <TR align="center"> 
  | <TD align="right" class="Prompt"></TD>
  | <TD align="left">
  | UserName : <INPUT type="text" name="j_username" maxlength=20>
  | </TD>
  | </TR>
  | <TR align="center"> 
  | <TD align="right" class="Prompt"> </TD>
  | <TD align="left">
  | Password  : <INPUT type="password"
  | name="j_password" maxlength=20 >
  | <BR>
  | <TR align="center">
  | <TD align="right" class="Prompt"> </TD> 
  | <TD align="left"> 
  | <input type="submit" onclick="javascript:submitForm();" value="Login">
  | </TD>
  | </TR>
  | </TABLE> 
  | </FORM>
  | </BODY>
  | </html>

users.properties, This and roles properties files i placed in WEB-INF/classes 
folder and also in /standard/conf/props folder 


and roles.properties 

  | venu.Roles=ReadOnly,FullAccess
  | gopal=ReadOnly
  | gopal.Roles=ReadOnly

Above are the configurations,  This works fine in Windows system with all 
versions of the JBosss.

But it is not working, and simply going to welcome page without prompting for 
username and password on Linux Server.

I even tried with other JBoss 4.0.1 rpm package also.

Do i need to do any extra configuration on Linux and JBoss ??

Can anybody please help ??  

Apreciate your help

Thanks in advance....

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