Our company is migrating a large project from Orion to JBoss 4.0.5. This 
application relies on programmatic login in the Web tier. It is not practical 
to change that at this point, and we can't move to JBoss 4.2.x as well :-(. So 
I'm left with the only choice - to backport programmatic login feature from 
JBoss 4.2.0 to JBoss 4.0.5.

Well, it seemed simple enough - add a ThreadLocal to store active request to 
SecurityAssociationValve, and add WebAuthentication class to handle actual 
login/logout. I did this, rebuilt JBoss, changed the application - and it had 
even worked. Sort of.

Programmatic login works for exactly one request. When 
WebAuthentication.login() is called, the session becomes authenticated (all 
proper objects/roles are set appropriately). After the request ends, the 
session looses its authenticated status, and all requests after the one which 
did login become unauthenticated ones :-(((.

Does anyone have an idea why this could happen, and/or what to do to fix this? 
As a temporary solution, I've implemented a filter which just repeats the login 
on each request - but, of course, this is not suitable for production 

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