We are currently running JBoss AS 4.2.1 and having difficulty configuring the 
login-config.xml to use a login module that was written for tomcat 5.5.

In particular, the authentication aspect seems to be working.  It only lets 
valid usernames/passwords through as we expect from our login module.  However, 
our web application is not able to retrieve our custom principal object out of 
the request; instead we get a org.jboss.security.SimplePrincipal object.

We don't have direct access to the source code for the login module code, 
should AS 4.2.1 (default all configuration) be able to use a tomcat 5.5 login 
module without modification?

I have seen http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=UsingCustomPrincpalsWith 
which seems to state the the custom principal must have a constructor with a 
string username, or be installed under the Subject using a 
java.security.acl.group named "CallerPrincipal".  I don't think our custom 
login module does either of these, but I could be wrong as the login-module is 
not under our control.

In our login-conf.xml we are specifying the following module-options for our 
custom login-module: appName, principalClass, userClassNames, roleClassNames.  
I would provide the files but they are on a non accessible network.

Any help in this matter would greatly be appreciated!

Also is there any way to turn up more debug login framework?


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