Rahul Agrawal [https://community.jboss.org/people/rahulamt] created the 

"Asynchronous service tasks and transactions"

To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/755652#755652

jBPM5.2 documentation states the following.

h3. 5.8.7. Multi-threading

"When a service task is reached in the process, the engine will also invoke the 
handler of this service synchronously. This means that the engine will wait for 
the completeWorkItem(..) method to return before continuing execution. 
Therefore, it is important that your service handler executes your service 
asynchronously if its execution is not instantaneous. Image for example you 
want to invoke an external service. Since the delay of invoking this service 
remotely and waiting for the results might be too high, it might be a good idea 
to invoke this service asynchronously. This means that the handler will only 
invoke the service asynchronously and will notify the engine if the results are 

But how to notify the engine that the execution is complete and the it can 
continue the execution. The suggested way is to use completeWorkItem(..). But 
If i try to invoke this in the thread that I have started, the entity manager 
is flushing the persistence context.

If I explicitely flush the entity manager then for back-to-back service tasks 
the entity manager is not flushed even if I explicitely say 

Please help!!

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