stevearoonie [] created the 

"Determining available transitions"

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Hi all,

I am looking at replacing jBPM 3 with 5 and there is one feature of 3 that we 
use extensively that I am not sure how to do in 5 - we send to the client 
application (not a web app) the set of transitions that the current user is 
able to take for the selected task. This allows us to alter and redeploy a 
workflow and have the UI automatically pick up new/changed transitions. 

I gather that in version 5/BPMN2 outgoing transitions would be implemented by 
an XOR split that would use data added in the completion of the task node to 
choose the correct path, but I have not seen any examples where you can 
retrieve the set of valid transitions from anywhere. Before I go ahead with 
some custom implementation is there some recommended way to do this, or a 
different approach I should be using?

thanks in advance

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