Matthew Young [] created the 

"Human task editor, example"

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Trying to setup JBPM in Eclipse without using the installer....

Wanted to rig the JBPM/Drools tools without using the installer (too heavy for 
my tastes, wanted to be able to suck necessary jars via Ivy rather than having 
a JBRM RUNTIME among other things).  Using Indigo Eclipse.  Pulled down the 
Drools/JBPM tools from:

And did a local site with Eclipse adding the following (5.3.1.Final):
    JBoss Drools Core
    JBoss Drools Guvnor
    JBoss Drools Task
    JBoss jBPM Core
    JBoss jBPM Taks

Already had BPMN2 Editor (0.0.1) and the BPMN2 Project Feature (0.7.0) along 
with Graphiti/Graphitit SDK 0.8.1.

Setup a normal Java project and pulled in the ProcessTest class and the 
Evaluation.bpmn files from the JBPM-Installer samples.  Used the following in 

                    <dependency org="org.jbpm" name="jbpm-bpmn2" 
rev="5.2.0.Final" conf="runtime->runtime, master"/>
  <dependency org="org.jbpm" name="jbpm-human-task" rev="5.2.0.Final" 
  <dependency org="com.h2database" name="h2" rev="1.3.161" 
  <dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-api" rev="1.6.0" 
conf="runtime->master" />
  <dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-log4j12" rev="1.6.0" 
conf="runtime->master" />
  <dependency org="log4j" name="log4j" rev="1.2.16" conf="runtime->master" />
  <dependency org="org.drools" name="drools-core" rev="5.3.1.Final" 

With grabs a bunch of stuff that I fill funnel down later.  Anyways.....when I 
run the ProcessTest it is suppost to register a Human task (on address 
127.0,0.1 and the default port 9123).  But the underlying NIO connector fails 
when starting the process:
     java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not connect task client

Why?  No idea.  Log4j logging gives nothing.  Wondering if I am missing a jar 
(the h2 is there)?

This is my first time using Drools/JBPM.  The basically setups 
up a KnowledgeBase and loads the Evaluation.bpmn from the classpath (no 
problems there).  A session is created from the knowledge base.  The Human Task 
(new WSHumanTaskHandler) is registered.  A couple of parameters are registered 
when starting the "com.smaple.evaluation" process.  That's it.

Another thing is that I don't have a Human Task Editor for bpmn files?  Am I 
missing a feature/plugin?

Thanks in advance / Matthew

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